Cyber Security & Protecting Your Heavy Equipment Lease

Our previous blog examined the interplay between adopting new technology and opening cybersecurity risks. The question becomes—how do you build a defensive moat against the digital flood of ne’er do wells? After all, you can’t let all tech slip you by, even if adopting a new program means opening new avenues of risk. Since Prime…

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An Honest Look at Technology, Fraud, and the Future of Your Business

Basketball isn’t the only madness people are discussing this March.  Tracking numbers, studying people as they go about their profession, thinking of all the money on the line… these apply to fraud and cybersecurity as much as basketball bets. At least 10% of Canada’s population will experience fraud in their lifetime—about as many people as…

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Leading in Uncertain Seas—The Importance of Setting Sail

Like most entrepreneurs, I am far from a wallflower. Like you, I prefer sailing my own ship—especially as a leader. For the sake of a metaphor, we’ll call that being a captain. To me, being a captain means taking on challenges as they come on a ship I can design, staff with fellow scallywags, and…

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Continuity Pt.2—Creating, Maintaining, and Living Your Legacy

There are no guarantees in life and even fewer in entrepreneurship. Building a business is unbelievably daunting. Even talking about business can tire you. As I try to write this, I’ve been distracted a dozen times by those irritating pop-up thoughts. You know—the things you promised to do today but ran out of time for?…

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Continuity for Small Business, Pt.1

Defining Continuity is quite simple. It means the unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something over a period of time, whether that be an action or a feature. However, as we see on this blog, things get more philosophical when we apply this simple term to growing your business. After exploring Capital and Capacity…

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